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Microsoft Access 2016 Course

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Unit 1 - Build a Database / Basics Start Here

  1. How to Open MS Access
  2. Create fields
  3. Table - enter data
  4. Primary Key
  5. Query - create
  6. Table - changes only
  7. Form - create
  8. Form - change
  9. Table - add fields
  10. Query - criteria
  11. Report - create
  12. Report - change it
  13. Table - delete data
  14. Table - change data
  15. Changes affect all
  16. Export data to Word
  17. Export to Excel
  18. Calculate total
Unit 2 - Database Administration
  1. View all objects
  2. Design vs. Datasheet View
  3. Record: create new
  4. Column: delete
  5. Record: delete
  6. Save changes
  7. Total a column
  8. Average a column
  9. Count a column
  10. Min Max a column
  11. Spell check
  12. Row: height
  13. Columns wider
  14. Columns: all wider
  15. Columns hide unhide
  16. Columns: freeze unfreeze
  17. Find data search
  18. Navigate
Unit 3 - Find and Search For Data
  1. Find: Current Field
  2. Find: Match Case
  3. Find: whole field
  4. Find: start of field
  5. Find: current document
  6. Find and replace
  7. Navigate
  8. Record: select a
  9. Records: select all
  10. Switch windows
  11. Arrange views
  12. Row: colors
  13. Grid lines: on / off
  14. Font color: table
  15. Font size: table
  16. Font: table
  17. Font: bold
  18. Font: italicized
  19. Font: underline
Unit 4 - Query Text
  1. Text: equal to query
  2. Text: 'or' query
  3. Text: 'and' query
  4. Sort your query
  5. Query: field no show
  6. Text: 'not equal to' query
Unit 5 - Query Numbers
  1. Numbers: equal to query
  2. Numeric: 'or' query
  3. Numeric: 'greater than' query
  4. 'Less than' query
  5. Greater than / equal to
  6. Numeric: 'not equal to' query
  7. Numeric: 'between' query
  8. Greater than / less than
  9. Less than equal to
  10. Numeric: 'and' query
Unit 6 - Query Dates
  1. Date: 'equal to' query
  2. Date: 'great than' query
  3. Date: 'less than' query
  4. Date: 'or' query
  5. Greater than / equal to
  6. Less than / equal to
  7. Date: 'between' query
  8. Date: 'not equal to' query
  9. Date: 'and' query
  10. Sort
