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Microsoft Excel 2016 Formulas

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Formulas - Basic Formulas

  1. Add top to bottom
  2. Add left to right
  3. Add random numbers
  4. Add subtotals
  5. Subtract top to bottom
  6. Subtract left to right
  7. Subtract randomly
  8. Subtract subtotals
  9. Multiply top to bottom
  10. Multiply left to right
  11. Multiply randomly
  12. Multiply the subtotals
  13. Divide top to bottom
  14. Divide left to right
  15. Divide numbers randomly
  16. Divide using the subtotals





Formulas - Explained (Absolute / Relative Cell Reference)


  1. Formulas explained
  2. Formulas - using them
  3. Addition
  4. Addition WARNING
  5. SUM - explained
  6. Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
  7. Order of operations
  8. Auto sum
  9. Average
  10. Now
  11. Today
  12. Auto name
  13. Function Library
  14. Insert Function box
  15. Insert Function box #2
  16. Copy a formula
  17. Concatenation
  18. Text to columns
  19. Relative cell reference
  20. Absolute cell reference
  21. Evaluate a Formula
  22. Export Excel to a Text File
  23. Goal Seek
  24. Group Outline Structure


Formulas Advanced - (Multiple Worksheet / Workbook, etc)


  1. Multiple worksheet formula
  2. Multiple workbook formula
  3. Insert Function box explained
  4. Insert Function box
  5. Average
  6. Minimum
  7. IF formula
  8. AND formula
  9. Tip and Trick
  10. OR Formula
  11. SUMIF Formula
  12. COUNTIF Formula
  13. NOW TODAY Formula
  16. SUMIFS


Formulas - Count, Sum and Average


  1. COUNT - counts cells with numbers
  2. COUNTIF - one condition
  3. COUNTIFS - two conditions
  4. SUM - add numbers
  5. SUMIF - one condition
  6. SUMIFS - two conditions
  7. COUNT - second example
  8. SUM - second example
  9. Sum - find subtotal
  10. COUNTBLANK - count empty cells
  11. COUNTA - count non-empty cells
  12. COUNT - counts cells with numbers
  13. AVERAGE - find the average answer of your data
  14. AVERAGEIF - one condition
  15. AVERAGEIFS - find the average of two criteria
  16. SUMIF - sum your data using only one criteria
  17. SUMIFS - sum your data using multiple criteria
  18. COUNTIF - count data using once criteria
  19. COUNTIFS - count data using multiple criteria


Financial Formulas #1 of 2


  1. NPV - net present value
  2. IRR - Internal rate of return
  3. FV - future value
  4. Future Value (2nd example)
  5. PV - Present value
  6. DDB - double declining balance
  7. ISPMT - interest paid for an investment
  8. PMT - find pmt of a loan
  9. PMT - find pmt of loan (example 2)
  10. VDB - variable declining balance
  11. NPER - find total number of payments
  12. RATE - find rate of interest
  13. PPMT - find principal of a loan
  14. IPMT - find interest of a loan
  15. Accrued Interest Function
  16. Import txt file into Excel
  17. PMT - find pmt of a loan
  18. PPMT - find principal of a loan
  19. IPMT - find interest of a loan
  20. Balance - find balance of loan
  21. Compound Interest - how to find
  22. Loan Payments - different durations
  23. Investment - find future value
  24. Annuity - present value
  25. Total Paid on Loan


 Formulas Basics; Date; Time; Logic


  1. Addition formula
  2. Division
  3. Multiplication
  4. Subtraction
  5. Find number of work days
  6. Days between two dates
  7. Current date (shortcut key)
  8. Current date plus ? days
  9. NOW formula
  10. TODAY formula
  11. AND formula
  12. IF formula
  13. OR formula
  14. Macros - create a macro
  15. Macros - give permission
  16. Macros - run a macro
  17. Macros - create a button
  18. Macros - delete a macro


Formulas - Min; Max: Array; Round: Error Messages


  1. Maximum - find it
  2. Minimum - find it
  3. Average
  6. ROUND
  8. ROUND problem
  9. ROUND down
  10. ROUND problem #2
  11. ROUND stop rounding
  12. Error Message - Division
  13. Error Message - #### signs
  14. Error Message - name error message
  15. Error Message - reference message
  16. Error Message - value error
  17. Error Message - array formula



Formulas - Lookup and Reference


  1. Vertical - VLookup - false
  2. Vertical - VLookup - false 2nd example
  3. Vertical - VLookup - false 3rd example
  4. Vertical - VLookup - false 4th example
  5. Vertical - VLookup - true
  6. Horizontal - HLookup - false
  7. Horizontal - HLookup - false 2nd example
  8. Horizontal - HLookup - false 4th example
  9. Horizontal - HLookup - true
  10. MATCH - look up a value; return the answer
  11. INDEX - look up a value; return the answer
  12. LOOKUP - look up a value; return the answer



Formulas - Text


  1. Join 2 columns - no space
  2. LEFT formula - extract data from the left
  3. RIGHT - formula - extract data from the right
  4. MID - formula - extract data from the middle
  5. LEN - formula
  6. FIND formula - find specific data
  8. TRIM - remove spaces
  9. Text to columns - last first
  10. Text to columns - first last
  11. Join 2 columns - with a space
  12. Text to columns - / slash
  13. Text to columns - @
  14. LOWER case
  15. UPPER case
  16. PROPER case
  17. EXACT - compare for exact
  18. CLEAN or TRIM
  19. Join 2 columns with a space
  20. Join 2 columns without a space



Formulas - Financial Formulas #2 of 2


  1. PMT - find pmt of a loan
  2. PPMT - find principal of a loan
  3. IPMT - find interest of a loan
  4. Balance - find balance of loan
  5. RATE - find rate of interest
  6. PV - Present value
  7. NPER - find total number of payments
  8. Investment - find future value
  9. Annuity - present value
  10. Total Paid on Loan
  11. Compound Interest - how to find
  12. Loan Payments - different durations
  13. NPV - net present value
  14. IRR - Internal rate of return
  15. FV - future value
  16. FV - future value (2nd example)
  17. Loan Amortization Table - create it
  18. Percentage - Total Grade (school)
  19. Percentage - Price with percent discount
  20. Percentage - earnings difference in percent