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Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Beginner Course

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Lesson 1 - Start Here
1.    Open PowerPoint with Windows 7
2.    Open PowerPoint with Windows 8
3.    File menu - explained
4.    Ribbon explained
5.    Quick Access Toolbar
6.    QAT customize it
7.    QAT customize it #2
8.    QAT - remove icons
9.    Ribbon - hide it
10.          Slide larger or smaller
11.          Windows frame
12.          PowerPoint help
13.          Insert new slide
14.          Enter data on slide
15.          Save your information
16.          QAT add icons
17.          QAT - remove icons
18.          Recent presentations
19.          Screen tips
20.          Thumb tacks
21.          Windows frame
22.          Save as a PDF
Lesson 2 - Create / Save a Presentation
1.    Close your presentation
2.    Open a presentation
3.    Open a presentation #2
4.    Save with new name
5.    QAT customize it
6.    Save your work
7.    Create from a template
8.    Customize your template
9.    Microsoft Templates
10.          Slide - title and content
11.          Slide two content
12.          Slide comparison
13.          Slide title only
14.          Slide insert blank
15.          Slide content and caption
16.          Auto save
17.          Date and time insert
18.          Slide number insert
19.          Page / slide orientation
20.          Ribbon change color
21.          Save for older versions
22.          Save PowerPoint to your SkyDrive/OneDrive
23.          Open PowerPoint from your SkyDrive/OneDrive
Lesson 3 - Format your Slide Presentation
1.    Layout - change the layout of your slide
2.    Change the themes
3.    Show the slide presentation
4.    Change font color
5.    Change text
6.    Copy and paste text
7.    Cut and paste
8.    Navigate during the slide show presentation
9.    Different views
10.          Change the bullets
11.          Change bullets to numbers
12.          Change number styles
13.          Indent the bullets
14.          Change line spacing
15.          Change text direction
16.          Format painter
17.          Text to Smart Art
18.          Resize a text box
19.          Insert new text box
20.          Delete text box
21.          Insert Action
22.          Hand outs - create and print hand outs
Lesson 4 - Clip Art / Pictures / Images
1.    Insert clip art
2.    Insert online picture
3.    Picture larger or smaller
4.    Insert search engine photo
5.    Insert picture from sky drive
6.    Insert picture from Facebook
7.    Insert picture from PC
8.    Insert screen shot
9.    Insert screen clipping
10.          Delete picture
11.          Insert picture borders
12.          Picture reset
13.          Picture styles
14.          Crop your picture
15.          Artistic effects
16.          Change picture
17.          Change picture color
18.          Picture compression
19.          Picture remove background
20.          Picture corrections
21.          Rotate picture
22.          Picture with text
23.          Picture special effects
Lesson 5 - Tables
1.    Table insert
2.    Table enter data
3.    Dictionary add a word
4.    Column insert
5.    Row insert
6.    Table change color
7.    Table make it wider
8.    Table center the text
9.    Rows - increase height
10.          Table center the text
11.          Change text direction
12.          Table tab
13.          Banded row
14.          Header row
15.          First column
16.          Delete column
17.          Delete row
18.          Table add color
19.          Split the cell
20.          Merge cells
21.          Text special effects
22.          Draw table