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Microsoft Word 2016 Advanced Course

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Unit 1 - Insert Comments / Track Comments
  1. Track Changes: turn on (enable)
  2. Track Changes: turn on Review pane
  3. Track Changes: view mark ups
  4. Track Changes: viewing options
  5. Track Changes: accept individual changes
  6. Track Changes: turn off
  7. Track Changes: problems
  8. Comments: insert comments
  9. Comments: find comments
  10. Comments: show comments
  11. Comment: remove / delete
  12. Comments: vertical bar means ?
  13. Compare documents explained
  14. Compare: how to use it
  15. Track Changes: print changes
Unit 2 - Footnotes / Endnotes
  1. Footnote: insert
  2. EndNote: insert
  3. Footnote: view them
  4. EndNote: view them
  5. EndNote: view them (2nd way)
  6. Footnote: view them (#2)
  7. Footnote: EndNote: view all
  8. EndNote: view next one
  9. Footnote: change
  10. EndNote: change
  11. Insex: step 1: mark words
  12. Index: create
  13. Index: update yours
  14. Index: change the style
  15. Index: mark all words
  16. Index: sub entries
Unit 3 - Equations / Symbols
  1. Symbols: trademark
  2. Symbols: Euro / Pound / Yen
  3. Symbols: Symbols
  4. Symbols: special characters
  5. Symbols: language
  6. Symbols: Mathematical
  7. Equation: Area of Circle
  8. Equation: Binomial Thereom
  9. Equation: Expansion of a Sum
  10. Equation: Pythagoram Thereom
  11. Equation: Fourier Series
  12. Equation: Quadratic Formula
  13. Equation: Taylor Expansion
  14. Equation: Trig Identity One
  15. Equation: Trig Identity Two
  16. Equation: create your own
Unit 4 - Setup Your Document
  1. Space between paragraph (one)
  2. Space ABOVE a paragraph
  3. Large report style outline numbering
  4. Header_and_footer
  5. Page number on your footer
  6. Margins: change them
  7. Page Portrait or Landscape
  8. Paper: change size
  9. Columns: multiple
  10. Page breaks explained
  11. Line numbers (not paragraph numbering)
  12. Indent your paragraph
  13. Space below a paragraph
  14. Spell check grammar check
  15. Thesaurus
  16. Word count
Unit 5 - Creating Tables Part 1 of 2
  1. Table - create a table
  2. Table - create a table #2
  3. Table - draw a table
  4. Table - Insert Excel spreadsheet
  5. Table - insert quick table
  6. Table - insert column (left)
  7. Table - insert column (right)
  8. Table - insert row (above)
  9. Table - insert row (below)
  10. Table - delete a column
  11. Table - delete a row
  12. Table - merge and center
  13. Table - distribute rows evenly
  14. Table - distribute columns evenly
  15. Table - border color
  16. Table - text direction
  17. Table - autofit
Unit 6 - Creating Tables Part 2 of 2
  1. Table - align your table
  2. Table - text alignment
  3. Table - add shade
  4. Table - remove borders
  5. Table - add borders
  6. Table - select objects
  7. Table - erase yours
  8. Table - view Gridlines
  9. Table - split the cell
  10. Table - sort your data
  11. Table - convert table to text
  12. Table - convert text to a
  13. Table - addition formula
  14. Table - multiplication formula
